At BAMM, Family Wellness is our top priority. We are here to support you, your families, and our community.
We are enduring these incredibly challenging times together and are committed to being your lighthouse through this storm.
Let’s practice self-care and COMMUNITY care, hand in hand.
Mental Health Exercises for Families
Below are some tips and tricks to minimize anxiety, get grounded, and stay present:
Breathing Exercise
The focus of this exercise is to bring attention to your breath and calm your mind.
Take a moment to pause.
Bring both hands to your heart, and connect to your breath. Be mindful of the pace of your breath and try to bring your attention to the rise and fall of your chest.
As you breathe, notice how you feel right now.
Choose 2 words to describe how you feel in this exact moment.
Continue to focus on your breath. Remain mindful of the rise and fall of your chest. Close your eyes if you like.
Stay in this position, breathing, with both hands on your chest for 2 minutes.
Once the 2 minutes have expired, open your eyes and place your hands in your lap.
If you are with others, share your 2 words. If you are practicing this exercise alone, write your 2 words down to track the progression of your feelings overtime.
Well done!
Grounding Exercise
The purpose of this exercise is to bring awareness to your 5 senses, settle anxiety, and move away from lingering negative emotions.
Step 1: Describe 5 things you see in the room
Step 2: Name 4 things you can feel (“my feet on the floor”)
Step 3: Name 3 things you hear right now (“traffic outside”)
Step 4: Name 2 things you can smell right now (or 2 smells you like)
Step 5: Name 1 thing you are proud of about yourself
Well done!